Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I love to write.  For me, writing is a remedy- a release from the sprint.  On a normal day, my mind races at a consistent pace that would easily outrun a purebred racehorse.  Jesus has given me gifts of creativity, thought, and vision, but sometimes I get so caught up in the intertwining web of each of them that I drive myself crazy.  In my mind, there is always something I need to be learning, refining, perfecting, and/or discovering.  Like a little kid, I am constantly daydreaming, however, Lady Sleep visits me sparingly and is usually short-lived when she decides to show up.  I am different than most- I try to operate with purpose in everything I do... nothing is face-value, nothing is surface.  There is a point to everything, a purpose for the breath I breathe.  I don't know how much time I have here on this planet and because of that, I want to illuminate Jesus to as many people as I can.  Don't get me wrong, I have NOTHING figured out, nor do I have much to offer within myself... I do, however, know what the love of Jesus tastes like.  I know what brokenness is, and I have experienced true life through it, during it, in the midst of it.  God is Love and Love is Real. 

A sense of urgency has begun its path through my veins.
Like a cancer, it is spreading rapidly and without warning to the most vulnerable areas of who


Nothing apart from this. I have nothing to claim, nothing to own, nothing to reach for except for what I taste in this


Has been so hard to hold on to, so difficult to retain, seemingly impossible to discover. Reaching for everything this soul is screaming for, straining to catch something authentic. Deep down, I know that I need the


Is the only constant, it is the island. Truth is not subjective, relative, or shakable. No matter what my eyes may see or what my emotions are shouting, it does not change. The calm rock that I am running to… don’t stop, not even to catch your


On my neck. In my lungs. Felt as you whisper in my ear. Keeping me alive. Giving me strength. Reminding me of a purpose. Waking me up. Hitting me with the windows down on a crisp fall morning. Happens naturally. Is the same word as


Guide me... or better yet, invade me. I cannot do this alone, nor was I ever intended to. Marry me and become my bride- I will dance with you, I will sing to you at night, I will cherish you and always be faithful, loyal, and confident in you. I will walk with you as we run together. I am finding completion in you alone, and I have realized that cannot live without you. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. The only desire I have left is to be with you forever. Transform all of



Zipidee said...

Welcome to this 'World of exposure'. We're glad to hear your ruminations. Love You.

Mandapooh said...

Hi Brian!
I look forward to reading more from you!

unclewesty said...

Now you've done it. You are now part of the family circle of blogs. Expect only encouragement and uplifting with an occasional rant. I think it will do us all good to get to know you on a different level. Welcome aboard. Over and out.

Maggie said...

hey b, if you're gonna be gay and delete your facebook you should atleast blog for a girl or email a girl. or maybe a girl will call you. i think i'll make you a video tomorrow! muchlove

Zipidee said...

It's an on going thing. Ya write new things n post em every now n then.
Merry Christmas!